Seminarium Międzynarodowego Laboratorium Silnych Pól Magnetycznych i Niskich Temperatur PAN
14:00 wtorek, 26-04-16
ul. Gajowicka 95, sala seminaryjna (nowy budynek, II piętro)
ul. Gajowicka 95, sala seminaryjna (nowy budynek, II piętro)
High magnetic field dependence of the magnetocaloric parameters in second-order magnetic transition Laves phase compounds
dr hab. Jacek Ćwik
The theoretical and experimental investigations of the magnetocaloric potentials in second-order magnetic phase transitions materials will be presented. The high magnetic field dependences of the adiabatic temperature change ΔTad and magnetic entropy change ΔSmag in low temperature range were studied experimentally by the use of both direct and indirect methods. The experimental data was confronted with theoretical results based on a microscopic model Hamiltonian that includes the Zeeman-exchange magnetic interactions and the crystalline electrical-field anisotropy. The experimental data around the phase transition will be also discussed in the framework of the Landau theory of the second-order phase transitions.