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Seminarium Oddziału Fizykochemii Biomedycznej

09:00 Friday, 17-11-23
Microsoft Teams

Characterization and applications of lanthanide upconversion luminescence kinetics

Dr. Haichun Liu

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Seminarium odbędzie się w trybie zdalnym przy użyciu programu Microsoft Teams. Osoby w domenie intibs.pl mogą dołączyć do zespołu Seminarium OFB przy użyciu kodu: 7aoxdkd. Pozostałe osoby proszone są o kontakt pod adresem  

The seminar will be held remotely using Microsoft Teams. People in the intibs.pl domain can join the Seminarium OFB team using the code: 7aoxdkd. Other persons are asked to contact us at  


In the past two decades, lanthanide upconversion nanomaterials have been developed as an important class of nanophotonics materials, demonstrating enormous potential in fields such as nanomedicine, energy, and information technology. Unlike traditional fluorescent materials like organic dyes and quantum dots, the luminescence of upconversion nanoparticles is achieved through the cooperation of a large number of luminescent centers. Even a single nanoparticle constitutes a complex optical system, and its luminescence dynamics contain rich information. This talk focuses on the luminescence kinetics of lathanide upconversion nanoparticles and highlights their significance in applications.

im. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego
Adres Instytutu:
ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław
Adres elektroniczny:
71 343 5021, 71 395 4xxx (xxx nr wew.)
Fax: 71 344 1029
Poniedziałek - piątek w godz. 7:30-15:30