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Seminarium Oddziału Badań Magnetyków

14:00 środa, 26-10-22
Microsoft Teams

Scaling down in order to reveal intrinsic properties of solid-state materials

dr Eteri Svanidze

Instytut Maxa Plancka Fizyki Chemicznej Ciał Stałych w Dreźnie w Niemczech

Seminarium odbędzie się zdalnie w aplikacji Microsoft Teams. W celu wzięcia udziału w wydarzeniu należy dołączyć do zespołu Seminarium OBM.Można do niego dołączyć na stałe przy użyciu kodu dostępu ol7omod (dotyczy to osób posiadających konto w domenie intibs.pl, pozostałe osoby proszę o kontakt z prof. dr. hab.Adamem Pikulem, prof. INTiBS PAN ())


Synthesis optimization is a rather lengthy and costly process, during which many obstacles are encountered and, rather frequently, cannot be overcome. This is particularly true when it comes to the discovery and characterization of new materials with yet unknown properties. In this talk, I will discuss a new approach to study solid-state materials on the micro-scale. In particular, this new method allows to examine the electrical resistivity of polycrystalline material by extracting micro-scale sized domains using focused-ion-beam structuring [1]. This technique has been previously applied to Be5Pt [2] and TaIrGe [3]: for both materials, transport measurements on the micro-scale have confirmed the semiconducting ground state predicted by band structure calculations and thus could resolve the discrepancy between the latter and bulk electrical resistivity measurements indicating metallic behavior, likely caused by secondary phases. This approach is now used to study intrinsic properties of UBe13 – an unconventional superconductor with a fragile ground state [4].

[1] E. Svanidze et al, “Scaling down – a new way to study complex materials”, MPI CPfS Status Report (2019-2021).
[2] A. Amon et al., “Interplay of atomic interactions in the intermetallic semiconductor Be5Pt”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58, 2 (2019).
[3] I. Antonyshyn et al., “Micro-scale device - an alternative route for studying the intrinsic properties of solid-state materials: case of semiconducting TaGeIr”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 2 (2020)
[4] P. Kozelj et al., ”Intrinsic properties of UBe13”, in preparation (2022)

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