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Seminarium Oddziału Fizykochemii Biomedycznej

14:00 piątek, 28-10-22
Microsoft Teams


Prof. Dr. Anna M. Kaczmarek

NanoSening Group, Department of Chemistry Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

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In the last decade scientists have already achieved great results in the development of (nano-)thermometers with desired excitation and emission regions, to reach very high sensitivity, and significantly improve the spatial, temporal and temperature resolutions of the thermometers. This is without doubt key for moving towards real applications, such as for example detecting the temperature inside human cells or in a working catalytical reactor.

Despite many advances in the field, examples of achieving advanced multifunctional materials, which at the same time operate as a thermometer and for example a catalyst or drug delivery vesicle, remain scarce. Moving towards hybrid (nano-) materials can make this possible, and ideally by combining porous materials with inorganic building blocks. This allows designing and assembling new materials with advanced architectures ranging from core-shell nanoparticles, to nanorattles, and various types of nanocomposites where the scientist’s imagination is the driving force. Designing such beautiful (hybrid) (nano-) thermometers does however impose quite some synthetic challenges, which have to be faced at different steps of assembling the material.

1. A. M. Kaczmarek, M. Suta, H. Rijckaert, A. Abalymov, I. Van Driessche, A. G. Skirtach. A. Meijerink, P. Van Der Voort, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 2003101.
2. C. Krishnaraj, H. Rijckaert, H. S. Jena, P. Van Der Voort, A. M. Kaczmarek, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 47010.
3. H. S. Jena, H. Rijckaert, C. Krishnaraj, I. Van Driessche, P. Van Der Voort, A. M. Kaczmarek, Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 8007.

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