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Seminarium "Coherence-Correlations-Complexity" (KFT, PWr)

13:15 środa, 10-12-14
Sala 320a bud. A-1, Politechnika Wrocławska

Dynamics of entanglement of two spins

dr Łukasz Cywiński

Instytut Fizyki PAN w Warszawie

Decoherence of spin qubits based on quantum dots is often (especially for III-V dots) dominated by interaction of the electron spin with the nuclear spins.  In the case of a single qubit this process is quite well understood, and the established theoretical approaches can be applied to quantum states of more than one qubit. I will present calculations of dynamics of entanglement decay of two single-spin qubits, paying special attention to the features which distinguish this process from decoherence of a singlet-triplet qubit (which is also built out of two electrons localized in two quantum dots). I will also discuss entanglement decay caused by classical noise (and its relation to hyperfine-induced decay). The role of spatial symmetries and correlations of noise will be stressed, and a method of using two qubits to sense the spatio-temporal correlations of external noise will be outlined.

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