Seminarium "Coherence-Correlations-Complexity" (KFT, PWr)
13:15 środa, 13-03-19
Sala 320a bud. A-1, Politechnika Wrocławska
Sala 320a bud. A-1, Politechnika Wrocławska
Quantized boundary charges in two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled crystals
Marta Brzezińska
Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej WPPT PWr
We investigate two-dimensional spinful bulk insulating phases of matter that exhibit boundary charges protected by time-reversal and crystalline symmetries. In order to define the topology, we employ the concept of boundary charge fractionalization and show that charges remain stable as long as symmetries are preserved. We determine bulk topological indices using symmetry indicators and Brillouin zone Wilson loops. By combining tight-binding results with density functional theory calculations, we present material candidates to support our findings.