Wykłady prof. Michaela Giersiga
W dniach 13-15 marca 2023 r. w godz. 10:00 - 12:00 w sali audytoryjnej, prof. Michael Giersig (IPPT PAN, członek zagraniczny PAN) wygłosi serię wykładów dla doktorantów specjalności "Nanotechnologia w biomedycynie". Wykłady odbędą się w sali audytoryjnej INTiBS PAN i są otwarte, dlatego serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych. Poniżej znajduje się opis tematyki wykładów.
Nanostructured materials, or nanomaterials, refer to materials that have relevant dimensions on the nanometer length scales and reside in the mesoscopic regime between isolated atoms or molecules and bulk matter. These materials have unique physical and chemical properties that are distinctly different from bulk materials. Their size-dependent properties, their sensitivity to surface phenomena, and how they are spatially arranged present a significant challenge to our fundamental understanding of how these materials should behave. Intense interest in nanostructured materials is also fueled by tremendous economic and technological benefits anticipated from nanotechnology and nanodevices. Nanomaterials have demonstrated great potentials for applications in electronics.
In the proposed teaching course we will involve following key aspects:
- An introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- Example of nanomaterials synthesis:
- Semiconductors; Metallic; Magnetic; Carbon based materials
- 2D and 3D arrangement of particles by:
- Electrophoresis; Magnetophoresis; Electrostatic Self-Assembly
- Characterization of nanomaterlials by:
- X-ray
- Optical methods (Spectroscopy)
- Applications in electronics an biomedicine
Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application; Edited by G. Schmid; Wiley-VCH; 2004
Nanotechnology : Understanding Small Systems; Edited by Rogers, Pennatur, and Adams, CRS Press: 2008
Self-Assembled Nanostructures; Edited by JinZhang , Zhong-lin Wang, Jun Liu, Shaowei Chen and Gang-yu Liu; Kluwer Academic; 2003
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