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Materiały emitujące promieniowanie UVC do zastosowań medycznych

13 listopad 2023
Materiały emitujące promieniowanie UVC do zastosowań medycznych

Typ projektu: NCN MINIATURA 7

Kierownik projektu: dr Nadiia Rebrova

Numer decyzji: DEC-2023/07/X/ST5/00965

Wartość projektu:  33 463 PLN

Opis projektu:

In this project, new compounds based on fluoroperovskites activated by praseodymium ions were developed. The ability of these compounds to generate ultraviolet radiation when exposed to X-rays was investigated. The resulting compounds could be used as an alternative therapeutic approach to cancer treatment. This method combines traditional X-rays with nanoparticles that generate UVC irradiation at the cellular level. This approach may significantly reduce the dose of X-rays radiation and promote the local destruction of cancer cells with an increase in the survival of healthy tissues.

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