| 24-12-17, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN, ul. Okólna 2 | Basic topics of statistical physics and phase transitions - part 2
prof. dr hab. Romuald Lemański INTiBS PAN |
| 24-12-13, 12:00 Zoom | Graphitization and Size Effects on Low-Temperature Heat Capacity of Carbon Allotropes: Insights from Nanodiamonds and Microdiamonds
dr inż. Daria Szewczyk INTiBS PAN |
| 24-12-11, 11:30 sala 409a, bud. 2 | Charge and Phonon Transport in Emerging Material for Green Energy Application mgr Mariangela Ruggeri Università degli Studi di Messina, Włochy |
| 24-12-10, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN, ul. Okólna 2 | Basic topics of statistical physics and phase transitions - part 1
prof. dr hab. Romuald Lemański INTiBS PAN |
| 24-12-09, 11:15 PWr, bud. A1, sala 322 | Photoexcitation mechanism and example applications of photon avalanching inorganic materials prof. Artur Bednarkiewicz INTiBS PAN |
| 24-12-05, 12:00 ul. Okólna 2, Audytorium | The nitride epoch (10 years after the Nobel Prize) Material limitations and attempts to overcome them
prof. dr hab. Detlef Hommel PORT Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii Sieć Badawcza "Łukasiewicz" |
| 24-12-02, 11:15 PWr, bud. A1, sala 322 | Possibilities of tuning the spectroscopic properties of inorganic phosphors dr hab. inż. Karol Lemański INTiBS PAN |
| 24-11-26, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN, ul. Okólna 2 | The role of symmetry in the analysis of molecular vibrations - part 2 dr hab. Marek Daszkiewicz INTiBS PAN |
| 24-11-22, 14:00 Zoom | Diffusive boundary reflection as a factor in formation of heat flows in conductors of different dimensions and cross-sections
Prof. Konstantin Nemchenko V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
| 24-11-21, 15:00 MS Teams | Engineering Photostable Probes for Ultralong-term, Single-Molecule Imaging in Live Cells Prof. Sam Peng Pfizer Gerald D. Laubach Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, MIT Core Institute Member, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard |
| 24-11-19, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN, ul. Okólna 2 | The role of symmetry in the analysis of molecular vibrations - part 1
dr hab. Marek Daszkiewicz INTiBS PAN |
| 24-11-12, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN, ul. Okólna 2 | Symmetry and basics of group theory - part 2 dr hab. Marek Daszkiewicz INTiBS PAN |
| 24-11-05, 10:00 Audytorium INTiBS PAN | Symmetry and basics of group theory - part 1 dr hab. Marek Daszkiewicz INTiBS PAN |
| 24-10-31, 12:00 ul. Okólna 2, Audytorium | Czy kwazi-molekuły z kropek kwantowych mogą sprawdzić się w roli źródeł światła nieklasycznego? dr hab. inż. Bartłomiej Cichy Oddział Spektroskopii Optycznej, INTiBS PAN |
| 24-10-25, 12:15 UWr, pl. Maksa Borna 9, sala 60 im. J. Rzewuskiego | Nadprzewodnictwo – czy jesteśmy gotowi je wdrożyć? dr Michał Babij INTiBS PAN |
| 24-10-16, 11:33 INTiBS, ul. Okólna 2, sala audytoryjna | Study of Thermoelectric Properties of Half-Heusler Phases: ab initio and Machine Learning Analysis mgr Kaja Bilińska INTiBS PAN |
| 24-09-12, 12:00 ul. Okólna 2, Audytorium | Pulsed-field techniques applied to UTe2: high-field magnetism and the “Lazarus” superconducting state prof. dr John Singleton z National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Pulsed-Field Facility, Los Alamos National Laboratory w Los Alamos w USA |
| 24-06-20, 14:06 INTiBS, ul. Okólna 2, sala audytoryjna | Evaluation of luminescent properties of photon avalanching nano-, micro- and bulk crystals: novel materials, characterization methods and applications mgr inż. Zuzanna Korczak INTiBS PAN |
| 24-06-11, 10:00 INTiBS, ul. Okólna 2, sala audytoryjna | The investigation of the influence of the chemical composition of the host material on the probability of thermally induced depopulation processes of the excited levels of the transition metal ions of 3d3 electronic configuration in inorganic oxide materials for applications in luminescence thermometry mgr inż. Wojciech Piotrowski INTiBS PAN |
| 24-06-04, 12:00 ul. Okólna 2, Audytorium | Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Imaging Studies of Biomaterials prof. Roman Sobolewski Uniwersytet Rochester |