\/svg>","ionicons-filled--link":"<\/svg>"}) Accessibility Tools Invert colors Monochrome Dark contrast Light contrast Low saturation High saturation Highlight links Highlight headings Screen reader Read mode Content scaling 100% Font size 100% Line height 100% Letter spacing 100% Skip to main content PL The Institute The Institute General information Emploees News Scientific News Gender equality plan Address and contact data Research Research profile List of publications Information in BIP Scientific Council Organizational structure GDPR Events Seminars Current seminars List of seminars Conferences Current conferences Past conferences For students Doctoral school General Information Curriculum Recruitment School Council Doctoral Student Council Teaching Doctoral students Mid-term evaluation For students Doctoral dissertations Master theses Student training Visiting the Institute For employees Institute e-mail Eduroam Publication registry Contact us Address and contact data Important phone numbers and emails PL The Institute The Institute General information Emploees News Scientific News Gender equality plan Address and contact data Research Research profile List of publications Information in BIP Scientific Council Organizational structure GDPR Events Seminars Current seminars List of seminars Conferences Current conferences Past conferences For students Doctoral school General Information Curriculum Recruitment School Council Doctoral Student Council Teaching Doctoral students Mid-term evaluation For students Doctoral dissertations Master theses Student training Visiting the Institute For employees Institute e-mail Eduroam Publication registry Contact us Address and contact data Important phone numbers and emails The Institute Home The Institute Gender equality plan Gender equality plan About the planThe Gender Equality Plan (Plan for assisting employees in harmonious career development) for 2022-2026 is a tool aimed at creating a comfortable workplace and development for employees and doctoral students based on the principles of equal and dignified treatment, as well as supporting individuals in difficult moments of their careers and family life.The Gender Equality Plan begins with a diagnosis of the impact of the gender of staff and doctoral students on the implementation of professional development and performance of tasks at the Institute, by identifying the elements that constitute the most significant barriers depending on the nature of work or life situation. The document then defines a set of detailed corrective actions that, in the perspective of the Plan's implementation, will lead to a reduction in inequalities as measured by the proposed indicators.The results of the annual analyses of the Plan's effects will be made public on this website (the annual report will be published no later than March 31 of the following year).Director's Proxy for Equality AffairsCoordination of activities related to the implementation of the plan will be handled by Ms. Magdalena Skrajnowska, who has been appointed as the Director's Proxy for Equality Affairs. Documents The Plan was introduced by order of the Director of the Institute No. 1/05/2022: LINK (PDF, 400kB) Text of the plan available for download: LINK (PDF, 550kB) Annual report on the implementation of the plan (as of 1.01.2023): LINK (PDF, 386kB) Annual report on the implementation of the plan (as of 1.01.2024): LINK (PDF, 389kB) See also The Institute General information Emploees News Scientific News Gender equality plan Address and contact data Research Research profile List of publications Information in BIP Scientific Council Organizational structure GDPR
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The Gender Equality Plan (Plan for assisting employees in harmonious career development) for 2022-2026 is a tool aimed at creating a comfortable workplace and development for employees and doctoral students based on the principles of equal and dignified treatment, as well as supporting individuals in difficult moments of their careers and family life.The Gender Equality Plan begins with a diagnosis of the impact of the gender of staff and doctoral students on the implementation of professional development and performance of tasks at the Institute, by identifying the elements that constitute the most significant barriers depending on the nature of work or life situation. The document then defines a set of detailed corrective actions that, in the perspective of the Plan's implementation, will lead to a reduction in inequalities as measured by the proposed indicators.The results of the annual analyses of the Plan's effects will be made public on this website (the annual report will be published no later than March 31 of the following year).
Coordination of activities related to the implementation of the plan will be handled by Ms. Magdalena Skrajnowska, who has been appointed as the Director's Proxy for Equality Affairs.