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Open position for a post-doc

29 June 2018

INSTITUTION: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
LOCATION: Wroclaw, Poland
POSITION: post-doc
DEADLINE OF OFFERS SUBMITTING: 26.07.2018, 3:00 pm (Europe/Brussels)
DECISION: 27.07.2018
KEYWORDS: metal-organic materials, graphene materials, composites, optical and biomedical application, spectroscopic methods


The post-doc researcher (hired as assistant professor) will work on the project OPUS titled „Fabrication of new photosensitive nanocomposites based on graphite oxide and their interaction with microorganisms which cause inflammation of apical dental tissues.” No 2016/23/B/ST5/02480 financed by NCN (Polish National Scientific Center). The candidate should have experience in the field of widely understood organic and / or inorganic synthesis. Particularly sought after are those candidates having experience in the field of organic synthetic macrocyclic compounds (phthalocyanines, porphyrins or their analogs) and organometallic coordination compounds (complexes of porphyrins, phthalocyanines and their analogues metal). Experience in the interpretation of results concerning the structure, morphology, and optical properties of chemical compounds (preferentially macrocyclic organic and organometallic compounds) is required, especially data obtained by means of: 1H-NMR, XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, ESI-MS, absorption and emission spectroscopy. The candidate should have a doctorate in chemistry (or related fields) obtained not earlier than 7 years before the year of employment in the project and documented scientific achievements (preferential publications in JCR journals) in the above field of research. It is necessary to have good knowledge of English (knowledge of Polish or Russian would be an advantage), ability to prepare research reports, independence, conscientiousness, team work skills.

Period of employment: two years, full-time (planned from August 2018).

Candidates are asked to send the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter
  2. Copies (scan) of master's and doctoral diplomas;
  3. CV and list of publications;
  4. Concise information on previous scientific achievements;
  5. For candidates from Poland - the candidate's statement that if the competition is won, the INTiBS PAN will be his/her primary place of work.

Documents should be sent by e-mail with the message title: „Post-doc OPUS in OSO”. E-mail address:

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