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Competition for doctoral scholarship

21 February 2018

INSTITUTION: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
CITY: Wroclaw
POSITION: PhD student – co-investigator in research project
POSTED: 21 February 2016
EXPIRES: 9 March 2018 (13 pm)
SETTLEMENT: 19 March 2018
KEYWORDS: solid state physics, spintronics, thermoelectrics 

DESCRIPTION: The Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research (ILT&SR) of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw opens a contest1 for doctoral scholarship of a co-investigator in the research project of the National Science Centre “Rare-earth-bearing Heusler phases: multifunctional materials for the future” (Grant No.  2015/18/A/ST3/00057),  carried out in the Division of Magnetics. The fellow will be responsible for carrying out advanced theoretical and experimental investigations on electrical and heat transport properties of selected half-Heusler compounds. The results of this research will constitute a basis for his/her doctoral dissertation prepared under supervision of authorized member of the research team.Candidates should have a MSc degree (or equivalent, recognized by Polish legislation) in physics, chemistry, electronics or materials science. The basis for evaluation will be the presented scientific CV (university marks, assessment of master thesis, publications and conference presentations, scholarships, awards, participation in research projects, workshops and training courses, other scientific experience gained in Poland and abroad). Applicants may be invited for an interview. Successful candidate should have good command of English, demonstrate proper attitude to scientific work and skills for independent problem-solving. The selected PhD student will be required to pass at the earliest possible date an entrance examination for the Doctoral Studium at the ILT&SR.Doctoral scholarship2 amounts to 3000 PLN per month and will be granted for the total of 36 months based on the agreement concluded between the selected PhD student and the Director of the ILT&SR.


  1. Application letter containing concise description of hitherto scientific achievements, addressed to the Director of the ILT&SR.3
  2. Copies of MSc diploma, publications, conference abstracts, recommendation letters, etc.


Secretary Office
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Okolna Str. 2, 50-422
Wroclaw, Poland
tel.: 71 343 5021, e-mail:
with the annotation: “Competition for doctoral scholarship in MAESTRO project”.

1Competition is run in accordance with „Regulamin przyznawania stypendiów naukowych dla młodych naukowców w projektach badawczych oraz regulaminem przyznawania stypendiów naukowych dla młodych naukowców w ramach stypendiów doktorskich ETIUDA finansowanych ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki”.
2According to the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, scholarships granted from the funds of the National Science Centre are exempt from personal income tax.
3In the application, the following expression should be included: “I agree for processing my personal data enclosed in my documents for the needs necessary of the recruitment (according to the bill from September 29, 1997 about the protection of personal details; Dz. U. Nr 133, poz. 883 with later changes).”

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