INSTITUTION: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, PAS
CITY: Wrocław
POSITION: assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt)
DISCIPLINE: physical sciences
POSTED: 10th May 2024
EXPIRES: 10th June 2024; 3pm
DATE OF THE CONTEST SETTLEMENT: up to 5 working days from the closing date for submission of applications (in special cases, related to the need to recognize the validity of a degree/diploma obtained abroad, the settlement period may be extended to a maximum of 2 months from the date of publication)
KEYWORDS: assistant professor, solid state physics, single crystals, magnetism, superconductivity, topological matter, rare-earth compounds
Director of the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, PAS announces a competition for the position of assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) in the Division of Magnetic Research.
Research task – statutory no. 2021/2: Novel emergent states in 4f- and 3d-electron systems.
Responsibilities for the position include:
- Synthesis of intermetallic rare-earth compounds in the form of single crystals.
- Structural and physicochemical characteristics of the obtained materials.
- Measurements of thermodynamic and electron transport properties, and their interpretation.
- Dissemination of research results in the form of publications and conference presentations.
- Scientific cooperation with other units.
- Participation in the educational and popularizing activities of the Institute (supervising interns, conducting classes for students and doctoral students).
- Doctoral degree in physical sciences obtained up to 10 years before the announcement of this competition.
- Ability to perform differential thermal analysis (DTA).
- Knowledge of modern technology of single crystal synthesis.
- Knowledge of structural characterization techniques (X-ray diffraction, EDX).
- Knowledge of measurement techniques of thermodynamic and electron transport properties.
- Experience in conducting research on topological and magnetic materials and superconductors.
- Knowledge of English, that allows to communicate freely in the workplace, read literature and write scientific articles.
- Ability to solve scientific problems and plan experiments.
- Ability to work in a team and solve problems independently, and creatively.
List of documents required from the candidate:
- A diploma or a copy of the diploma in English or Polish (if in another language, an English translation must also be attached) confirming completion of the doctoral degree. If the diploma was obtained abroad, the candidate will be required to provide a legalised or apostilled original of the diploma before starting employment at the Institute (otherwise it will not be possible to conclude an employment contract). In the case of a degree obtained abroad which is not recognised in Poland on the basis of international agreements, the candidate will apply to the Institute for its nostrification. Information on nostrification can be found at the following link:
- An application for employment addressed to the Director of the Institute containing the following clause: " I agree for processing my personal data enclosed in my documents for the needs necessary of the recruitment (in accordance with art. 6 par. 1 lit. A of the General Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC and the Act of 10 May 2018 on protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2018 item 1000)”.
- Scientific Curriculum Vitae, containing information about the scientific career (education and employment), as well as information on participation in conferences, internships, projects, awards and distinctions, skills and knowledge of foreign languages.
- List of publications.
- Concise information on previous scientific achievements.
When signing the contract, the candidate will be required to submit an authorization to inclusions in the number of employees engaged in the scientific activity at the Institute.
Procedure for submitting documents:
Complete documents should be submitted in electronic version via the e-mail address: with the title “Application for assistant professor position at Division of Magnetic Research” by 10th June 2024; 3pm
Additional information:
Full-time employment.
The competition will be held according to the rules accepted in the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, PAS:
Information about the result of the competition will be posted on the BIP INTiBS PAN website.
Personal information:
Your personal data is collected and processed by the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw in accordance with the information on personal data processing available at