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Department of Magnetic Reseach Seminar

13:30, 21-11-17
Microsoft Teams

Superconductivity enhanced by atomic disorder

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Ślebarski

Oddział Badań Magnetyków, INTiBS PAN

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We investigated the effect of enhancement of superconducting transition temperature Tc by nonmagnetic atom disorder in the series of filled skutterudite-related compounds (La3M4Sn13, Ca3Rh4Sn13, Y5Rh6Sn18, Lu5Rh6Sn18; M= Co, Ru, Rh), where the atomic disorder is generated by various defects or doping. We have shown that the disorder on the coherence length scale ξ in these nonmagnetic quasi‑skutterudite superconductors additionally generates a non-homogeneous, “high‑temperature” superconducting phase with Tc* > Tc (dilute disorder scenario), while the strong fluctuations of stoichiometry due to increasing doping can rapidly increase the superconducting transition temperature of the sample even to the value of Tc* ~ Tc (dense disorder leading to strong inhomogeneity). This phenomenon seems to be characteristic of high-temperature superconductors superconducting SCESs and superconducting heavy fermions, and recently have received renewed attention. We documented experimentally the stronger lattice stiffening of the inhomogeneous superconducting phase Tc* in respect to the bulk Tc one and propose a phenomenological model that explains the Tc* > Tc behavior in the series of nonmagnetic skutterudite-related compounds.

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