Institution: Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Position: 2 x PhD student – scholarship holder in the FPS research project
Scientific discipline: chemical sciences, physical sciences
Date of announcement: 29.10.2024
Application deadline: 28.11.2024
Online interview date: 9-12.12.2024
Date of competition settlement: Recruitment results will be announced within 7 days after the end of the interviews.
Planned date of commencement of education and participation in the project: 01.01.2025
Link to WSD IPAN website:
Link to INTiBS PAB website:
Keywords: luminescence thermometry, luminescence manometry, optical spectroscopy, transition metal ions and lanthanide ions
Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences (WDS IPAS) announces a special recruitment for a PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project: funded by the project entitled “Inteligentne farby luminescencyjne wrażliwe na zmiany temperatury i ciśnienia do zaawansowanych zastosowań” (eng. ‘Smart luminescent paints sensitive to temperature and pressure changes for advanced applications‘), carried out on behalf of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP First Team grant. No. FENG.02.02-IP.05-0018/23) with funds from the 2nd Priority of the Program European Funds for Modern Economy 2021-2027 (FENG) in the Department of Biomedical Physicochemistry of the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw.
Recruitment is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences
and in accordance with the “Regulations for the award of scholarships constituting assistance to Project grantees within the framework of Measure 2.2 First Team (FENG 2021-2027) of the Foundation for Polish Science” being an attachment to the competition documentation for the FNP First Team Feng competition edition 1/2023.
Requirements for the candidate
The application should include a filled application form at the link and presented in Polish or English:
- diplomas: matriculation or higher secondary school certificate, Bachelor’s (engineering), Master's Degree diploma in chemistry, Physics, material engineering or related disciplines or an equivalent certificate of graduation or an official document from the applicant’s university stating when the MSc defense is due. The diploma should be provided before taking the oath (the commencement of education),
[in the case of candidates who do not meet this condition: (1) a copy of the diploma of completion of first-cycle or third-year master's degree studies and (2) an application to the School Council for admission to recruitment, including a description of proven scientific achievement of the highest quality],
In the case of obtaining a professional title M.Sc. outside the European Union - additionally originals of MSc diploma and its transcript with grades, both certified with an apostille or authenticating (legalization) in the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Poland (in that country). Documents submitted without proper authentication will be considered as not meeting formal requirements.
- a duplicate (certified copy) of the entire grade book/Transcript of Records of the first- and second-cycle program (or full-cycle Master’s degree program), or a supplement to the degree with grades from the entire course of study, or a student’s grading report from all years of their studies confirmed by the Dean’s Office, together with the calculated average grade from their studies;
- a certificate of English-language skills at B2 level or higher or information in the diploma supplement that the candidate completed an English course at the required level as part of the university program (if the supplement does not describe the level of the course, a certificate from the Dean’s Office is required;
- a cover letter with an indication of the research topics within the framework of the research project;
- a statement that the Candidate does not receive another scientific scholarship within the framework of another program implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science regardless of the source of their funding, with the exception of the Start program.
- additional documents proving the candidate's suitability for scientific work (list of publications and conference presentations, list of completed courses and postgraduate studies, obtained language certificates, activity in scientific circles, etc.).
Doctoral Student Responsibilities
Synthesis of inorganic materials doped with lanthanide and transition metal ions Characterization of luminescent properties of the obtained phosphors as a function of temperature and pressure. Analysis of the obtained results, preparation of reports on the conducted research, preparation of scientific publications
The doctoral scholarship will be paid a maximum of 4 years in the monthly amount of:
- 6500 PLN (the amount will be reduced by the cost of mandatory social security contributions, etc., about 24%) until the month in which the doctoral student's mid-term evaluation at the doctoral school was conducted
- 7700 PLN (the amount will be reduced by the cost of mandatory social security contributions, etc., about 24%) after the month in which the student's mid-term evaluation at doctoral school was conducted
The scholarship will be paid after deduction of all components, in accordance with the applicable regulations and in accordance with the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742).
Joining the competition
Candidates wishing to enter the competition should submit all documents specified in the Rules of Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Candidates' applications for admission to the School must be submitted by 28.11.2024
a) by email to the address (preferred method of application); however, the original documents should be delivered before the studies start (a failure to meet this requirement will result in the candidate’s name being removed from the list of doctoral students),
b) in person at the School’s Secretariat Office at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2 Okólna St. in Wrocław, from 9 am to 3 pm
c) by registered mail or courier (the date on which the Secretariat Office received the documents is considered to be the delivery date) to the following address: WSD IPAN, ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław.
Description of the research project and the PhD thesis
The aim of the project is the development of luminescent paints based on inorganic phosphors doped with transition metal and lanthanide ions sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure. .
Additional information
For additional information, please contact the project manager prof. dr hab. Łukasz Marciniak ().
Personal information
Candidates' personal data are collected and processed by the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław in accordance with the information on personal data processing available at