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The Institute

Division of Theory of Condensed Matter More

Name Room Phone Function
Vardan Apinyan Dr. II/310 71 395 4 284
Kaja Bilińska M.Sc. II/407 71 395 4 309
PhD Student
Barbara Grygiel Dr. II/301 71 395 4 315
Tadeusz Kopeć II/327 71 395 4 286
Head of Division
Jakub Krawczyk II/410 71 395 4 117
PhD Student
Romuald Lemański II/408 71 395 4 287
Jacek Matysiak II/410 71 395 4 117
PhD Student
Konrad Patucha Dr. II/301 71 395 4 315
Anna Piekarska II/328 71 395 4 285
PhD Student
Miguel Rodriguez Martin M.Sc. II/301 71 395 4 315
PhD Student
Piotr Ruszała II/407 71 395 4 309
PhD Student
Małgorzata Samsel-Czekała II/404 71 395 4 322
Head of Wrocław Doctoral School of IPAS
Józef Sznajd II/405 71 395 4 121
Maciej Winiarski Dr. Hab. II/403 71 395 4 131
Kornel Witkowski M.Sc. II/409
PhD Student
Piotr Wróbel II/328 71 395 4 285
Tomasz Zaleski II/302 71 395 4 316
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs
im. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego
Institute address:
ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław
Electronic address::
71 343 5021, 71 395 4xxx
Fax: 71 344 1029
Mon - Fri 7:30-15:30