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New type of Ti-rich HEA superconductors with high upper critical field

30 December 2024

Title: New type of Ti-rich HEA superconductors with high upper critical field

Authors: Piotr Sobota, Bartosz Rusin, Daniel Gnida, Rafał Topolnicki, Tomasz Ossowski, Wojciech Nowak, Adam Pikul, Rafał Idczak

Journal: Acta Materialia

DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120666 

In a paper published in the journal Acta Materialia, the group of Prof. Dr. A. Pikul of INTiBS PAN and Prof. Dr. R. Idczak of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Wroclaw described physical and structural properties of two high entropy alloys (HEA): Ti₀,₅(ZrNbHfTa)₀,₅ and Ti₀,₅(VNbHfTa)₀,₅, which belong to a novel group of superconducting titanium-rich HEAs. Based on experiments, both alloys were found to exhibit type II superconductivity with a critical temperature of about 6 K and an upper critical field of over 13 T, which is exceptionally high for an HEA. In turn, theoretical studies have shown that structural relaxations significantly improve the agreement of computational results with experimental data, highlighting their importance in the study of titanium-rich HEAs.

The research was funded by the National Science Center under OPUS-20 Project No. 2020/39/B/ST5/01782.

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