Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate I”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
INSTITUTION: Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences
CITY: Wroclaw
POSITION: Ph.D. student in the program “Implementation doctorate I”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) in Poland
SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE: biological sciences
LINK TO THE WSD IPAN WEBSITE: http://wsdipan.intibs.pl
LINK TO THE IITD PAN WEBSITE: https://hirszfeld.pl/
KEYWORDS: BCG vaccine, tuberculosis, Mycobacterium, stationary culture, submerged culture, culture optimization, genome sequencing
Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (WSD IPAN) announces a special recruitment for a PhD student - scholarship holder in the 6th edition of the "Implementation PhD I" program - topic: "Development of a new method of breeding Mycobacterium bovis BCG of the Moreau sub-strain", commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science (DWD/6/0425/2022) under the supervision of dr. hab. Mariola Paściak at the Laboratory of Medical Microbiology of the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Biomed Lublin.
1. Description of the research project
The BCG vaccine contains live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis cells and is widely used in the prevention of tuberculosis. Currently, mycobacteria are obtained in the stationary culture where the space available to BCG is limited to the surface of the medium solution. For this reason, obtaining the right amount of biomass requires a lot of space and several passages, each of which lasts at least 10 days, and the entire production cycle of 4-6 weeks. The project plans to develop a new method of mycobacterial breeding, test various culture media and optimize the growth conditions of BCG. The research will mainly consist in obtaining the growth of BCG mycobacteria of the Moreau sub-strain in the entire volume of the medium, selecting the optimal breeding parameters and comparing the efficiency of submerged culture with the currently used stationary culture.
Hypotheses: It is possible to obtain mycobacterial growth in the entire volume of the medium. The application of the submerged culture method will enable obtaining a greater number of viable cells than in the surface culture. BCG products produced with the use of embedded technology will not change the immunogenic properties and genetic profile of the sub-strain. The developed method will contribute to the improvement of production and a better economic effect.
2. Additional information
The Ph.D. student program is performed based on the Communication of 29.04.2022 of MEiN on the establishment of the “Implementation Doctorate” program that grants the PhD fellowship, defined in the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on higher education and science (Dz. U. no. 1668 as amended) in article 209 paragraph 1, as below.
The total Ph.D. fellowship per month will be provided:
a. 3450 PLN (gross) – till the month of the mid-term evaluation (planned at the end of II academic year);
b. 4450 PLN (gross) – starting from the next month after the mid-term evaluation (during III and IV academic years).
3. Duties of the PhD student-scholarship holder:
- timely implementation of an individual research plan, consistent with the schedule of the implementation doctorate,
- theoretical preparation, analysis of the available literature, development of research methodology, performance of research, processing of the obtained data,
- analysis and presentation of experimental results, preparation of reports and scientific publications, participation in scientific conferences,
- participation in seminars with the supervisor and auxiliary supervisor on the progress of the work,
- implementation of the education program and tasks resulting from the duties of the doctoral student of the WSD IPAN,
- preparation and submission of the doctoral dissertation at the end of the 4th year of doctorate at the latest and obtaining the doctoral degree.
4. Requirements:
- professional degree in biotechnology, biology, animal husbandry or related sciences
- research interests in the field of microbiology
- knowledge and experience in experimental work on microorganisms
- good command of the English language
5. Required documents (in accordance with the document Admission rules to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences):
- a completed integrated form downloaded from the WSD IPAN website containing: application for admission to the School, personal questionnaire and a declaration that in the event of admission to the WSD IPAN it will be the only doctoral school in which the Candidate will study;
- curriculum vitae containing a list of scientific publications, scholarships and awards, a list of conferences in which the Candidate participated, along with the titles and authors of the speeches;
- a letter of application containing a short description of scientific interests and achievements as well as justification of the intention to start education at the doctoral school;
- a copy of the diploma confirming graduation or a certificate of obtaining a master's degree, or a certificate of the set date of defence;
- a copy (copy) of the entire index of first-cycle and second-cycle studies (or long-cycle studies), or a diploma supplement with grades for the entire studies, or student grade cards for all years of study, confirmed by the dean's office;
- English language certificate at the B2 level or higher (does not apply to candidates who passed the final exam at this level during their studies),
Additional obligatory document:
Statement of the Biomed Lublin that in the case of admission to Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences the candidate will remain or will be employed (not later than from 1.10.2022) on the full time in the period of the doctoral studies and the consent to His/Her education in the doctoral school within the program and providing Him/Her an auxiliary advisor out of the company staff.
6. Application forms to the School should be submitted by 14/09/2022 by 3:00 PM:
- in person at the School (INTiBS PAN ul. Okólna 2 in Wroclaw) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, or
- by registered mail or courier (the date of receipt of documents at the School is decisive) to the following address: WSD IPAN, ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wroclaw, or
- electronically to the address (with an annotation WD_MPas), the original documents should be delivered before starting the education.
7. Information clause:
Based on Article. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 04/05/2016, p. 1), hereinafter referred to as "GDPR", I would like to inform you that:
- The administrator of your personal data is the Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw, ul. Rudolf Weigl 12, 53-114 Wrocław
- The administrator of personal data can be contacted by letter to the address given in point 1 above, or by phone at 71 3709940, and the data protection officer appointed by him can be contacted in all matters regarding data processing via the e-mail account: iod @ hirszfeld.pl or by post to the registered office address.
- Personal data will be processed in order to perform the administrator's tasks related to recruitment for a research project entitled " Development of a new method of breeding Mycobacterium bovis BCG of the Moreau sub-strain ", commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science (DWD/6/0425/2022) and to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, thus your personal data will be processed on the basis of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR), the Controller's legitimate interest in the implementation of the research project (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).
- Providing your personal data by you is voluntary, but necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.
- Personal data collected in the current recruitment process will be kept during the recruitment period.
- The person whose data is processed has the right to: access personal data, request the rectification of personal data, request the deletion of personal data, request to limit the processing of personal data, object to the processing of data due to a special situation.
- The person whose data is processed also has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if it is found that the Administrator has breached the provisions on the protection of personal data.
- As a result of processing, decisions will not be made in an automated manner (without human intervention), including not based on profiling.
- Personal data may be made available to our authorized employees, processors, i.e. those performing activities on our behalf (eg IT and accounting services), and the personal data of a Candidate selected in the competition may then be made available to third parties authorized by law.