INSTITUTION: Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences
CITY: Wrocław
POSITION: PhD student – scholarship holder in the NCN research project
DATE OF COMPETITION SETTLEMENT: the results of the recruitment will be announced up to 7 days after the end of the interviews
KEY WORDS: nanomaterials, optical spectroscopy, photoconductivity
Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences (WDS IPAS) announces a special recruitment for a PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project.
The research and the PhD dissertation will be carried out as part of the research project Tunable wavelength emission source excited by CW laser diode: phenomenon, mechanism, control and applications founded by the National Science Center (grant Sheng no. 2021/40/Q/ST5/00220) in the Department of Optical Spectroscopy of the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw.
Recruitment is conducted in accordance with the Rules of Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the academic year 2020/21 ( ) and of the Act of 20 July 2018. Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended).
Description of the research project
The main objective of the research carried out under this project is to study the phenomenon of broadband laser induced emission (LIE) and accompanied photocurrent generated from pure and lanthanide doped GaN and AlN nanocrystalline ceramics and thin films semiconductors in both visible and infrared regions. We can anticipate that LIE spectra of GaN and AlN nanoceramics and thin films may be tuned by excitation power and supplied electric field. The laser induced broadband emission is recently intensively investigated in different nano- and microcrystalline rare earth materials. Until now, most of studies were performed for lanthanide doped dielectric nanocrystalline compounds. Much less attention was focused on semiconducting materials. The gallium nitride GaN is an important wide band-gap (3.4 eV) semiconductor compound for modern electronics. Pure and lanthanide doped GaN and AlN semiconductors were selected for the implementation of this research project.
The obtained materials (pure and lanthanide doped) will be characterized in detail in terms of structure and morphology and their influence on the spectroscopic properties of LIE in both visible and near infrared range. Additionally, measurements as a function of the excitation power density and the pressure surrounding the sample will be performed. The research will include also photoconductivity measurements. The study will be extended by investigation of the influence of different light sources on emission properties. Furthermore, the metal nitride thin films (pure and lanthanide doped) will be fabricated. The influence of different sputtering conditions on the thin film growth process will be examined. The spectroscopic measurements will involve studies of dependence of LIE intensity on several material parameters such as absorption coefficient, film thickness, dopant type and concentration. Moreover, investigation of the dynamics and mechanisms of the LIE process will be studied by monitoring the change in material properties (including electric conductivity, reflectivity, temperature, etc.). It allow to track the dynamic response of the materials under LIE process and establish relations between LIE intensity and the material responses. After detailed analysis, we will be able to distinguish the factors that contributing to the LIE intensity.
Requirements for the candidate
- Master's degree, Master’s degree in Engineering, or an equivalent in chemistry, materials engineering or related fields qualifying for admission to doctoral school;
- research interests in the area of nanoparticle synthesis, luminescence, photoconductivity;
- knowledge and experience in methods of nanoparticles synthesis: sol-gel, solvothermal, combustion and structural characterization of the obtained materials;
- good English skills;
- motivation to scientific work, conscientiousness, independence, ability to work in a group, creativity;
- fulfillment of the recruitment requirements to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences
Doctoral Student Responsibilities
- implementation of an individual research plan, consistent with the research project;
- synthesis of selected GaN and AlN doped with lanthanide ions;
- structural characterization of the obtained materials
- spectroscopic characterization;
- data analysis, preparation of reports and scientific publications;
- participation in scientific conferences.
The doctoral student will receive a doctoral scholarship during the 4-year training program.
The PhD student may be awarded an increased scholarship financed by the project amounting to 4276.06 PLN (Gross) for the period of 30 months. The remaining months will be financed within the framework of and in the amount obligatory for the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Required documents:
Candidates wishing to enter the competition should submit all documents specified in the Rules of Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the academic year 2020/21:
Documents should be submitted:
- in person at the School’s Secretariat Office at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2 Okólna St. in Wrocław, from 9 am to 3 pm
- by registered mail or courier (the date on which the Secretariat Office received the documents is considered to be the delivery date) to the following address: WSD IPAN, ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław
- by email to the address ; however, the original documents should be delivered before the studies start (a failure to meet this requirement will result in the candidate’s name being removed from the list of doctoral students).
Additional information
Information about the result will be placed on the BIP INTiBS PAN website and on the WSDIPAN website
Personal information
Candidates' personal data are collected and processed by the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław in accordance with the information on personal data processing available at