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Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023

24 January 2023

INSTITUTION: Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences,

                Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

CITY: Wrocław

POSITION: PhD student - investigator in a research project

SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE: physical sciences

DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT: January 24, 2023

APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 25, 2023 (until 3:00 p.m.)

DATE OF SETTLEMENT: up to 7 days after interviewing candidates


KEYWORDS: solid state physics, magnetism, topological matter

We invite ambitious graduates to join the team dynamically developing research in the field of topological materials - one of the hottest research areas in modern solid-state physics.

Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (WSD IPAS) announces a special recruitment for a PhD student - scholarship holder (contractor) in the research project “Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH” (Grant no.  2021/40/Q/ST5/00066 funded by the National Science Center), carried out in the Division of Magnetic Research, and led by Professor Dariusz Kaczorowski, in collaboration with the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.

The tasks of the scholarship holder will include obtaining single crystals of selected compounds, their crystallo-chemical characterization, measuring their transport and thermodynamic properties, interpretation of experimental results, participation in the editing of scientific publications, presentation of results at scientific conferences. The results of the work will be the basis for the doctoral dissertation prepared under the supervision of a member of the research project team.

Recruitment is carried out in accordance with the Recruitment Rules for the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2022/23 academic year, published at the link:

The candidate, at the time of commencing the implementation of the tasks in the project, should be a graduate of master's studies in the field of physics, chemistry, materials engineering or related fields of study, and have the professional title of master, master of engineering or equivalent, entitling to undertake education at a doctoral school. Candidates are expected to speak English. at the B2 level and meet the recruitment requirements for the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences specified in the Recruitment Principles.

The doctoral scholarship will be paid on the basis of an agreement concluded between the PhD student and the Director of INTiBS PAS, in the amount of PLN 3260 net1 (PLN 3675 gross2), until the month in which the mid-term evaluation will be carried out (24 months after the start of studies). After obtaining a positive evaluation of the scholarship holder's achievements, the contract will be extended for another 24 months, however, by the 36th month of studies, the amount of the scholarship will be PLN 3720 net (PLN 4190 gross). For the last 12 months of doctoral studies it will be financed by the INTiBS PAN, in accordance with Art. 209 par. 4 pt. 2 of the Act of July 20, 2018 (Law on Higher Education and Science) and the applicable ordinances of the Director of ILTSR PAS. The maximum period of receiving a doctoral scholarship is 48 months.

When entering the recruitment process, please provide:

required documents specified in the Recruitment Rules for the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the academic year 2022/2023 at the link: , as well as: academic curriculum vitae (grades from studies and thesis, publications and conference presentations, scholarships, awards, participation in research projects, workshops and training, other significant scientific experiences.

Please send applications:

in person at the School’s Secretariat Office at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2 Okólna St. in Wrocław, from 9 am to 3 pm,

or by registered mail or courier (the date on which the Secretariat Office received the documents is considered to be the delivery date) to the following address: WSD IPAN, ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław

or by email to the address ; however, the original documents should be delivered before the studies start (a failure to meet this requirement will result in the candidate’s name being removed from the list of doctoral students).

Any additional information is available from:

prof. Dariusz Kaczorowski e-mail:

prof. Piotr Wiśniewski e-mail:

Informative clause:

Your personal data is collected and processed by the Wrocław School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław in accordance with the information on the processing of personal data available at:

Scientific scholarships awarded from the National Science Center funds are exempt from personal income tax on the basis of the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education approving the regulations for granting them and the applicable tax ordinance.

2 The gross amount includes the legally required insurance premiums incurred by the Doctoral Student.

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