Seminarium "Coherence-Correlations-Complexity" (KFT, PWr)
Sala 320a bud. A-1, Politechnika Wrocławska
Collective emission from quantum dot ensembles: numerical simulation of second order correlations
prof. Paweł Machnikowski
Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej WPPT PWr
I will present a theoretical analysis of the intensity correlation functions for the spontaneous emission from a planar ensemble of self-assembled quantum dots. The evolution of the system is simulated numerically using the quantum jump approach and photon-photon delay time statistics is constructed, approximating the second-order correlation functions of the field. The form of this correlation function in the case of collective emission from a highly homogeneous ensemble qualitatively differs from that characterizing an ensemble of independent emitters (inhomogeneous ensemble of uncoupled dots). The signatures of collective emission are observed also in the case of an inhomogeneous but sufficiently strongly coupled ensemble. Different forms of the correlation functions are observed in the intensity autocorrelations and in cross correlations between various spectral ranges, revealing the quantum state projection associated with the detection event and the subsequent interaction-induced redistribution of occupations. The predicted effect of collective dynamics on the correlation functions appears under various excitation conditions. Thus, the second-order correlation function of the emitted field provides a sensitive test of cooperative effects.