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Seminarium Międzynarodowego Laboratorium Silnych Pól Magnetycznych i Niskich Temperatur PAN

14:00 wtorek, 01-03-16
ul. Gajowicka 95, sala seminaryjna (nowy budynek, II piętro)

Magnetic properties of superconducting nanostructures based on indium in various porous dielectrics

N.Yu. Mikhailin, D.V. Shamshur, R.V.Parfeniev, Yu.A. Kumzerov, A.V. Fokin, S.G. Romanov

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Magnetic properties of In nanostructured in pores of opals and porous glass were studied. Pore size in such structures varies from 7 nm in porous glass up to 50 nm in certain types of opals. More than 95% of pores space was filled by indium, thus creating a 3D network of connected nanoparticles of superconducting metal. Due to the pore structure, this network is ordered in opals and random in porous glass.

Magnetization(M) dependencies on temperature(T) and magnetic field(H) at temperatures lower than critical temperature(Tc depends on the particle size, ) were obtained. Hysteresis is observed in M(H) which indicates that indium in this case behaves as a type 2 superconductor. At lower(less than 3 K) temperatures magnetic instabilities can also be observed. In most cases this instabilities are either series of big jumps, or an area of small jumps at low field followed by big jumps at higher fields. Properties of such instabilities and their dependencies on temperature, sample structure and field sweep rate were studied.

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