Seminarium Oddziału Badań Magnetyków
14:00 środa, 13-03-24
sala nr 6 (bud. II)
sala nr 6 (bud. II)
Topological semimetals and insulators – basics and example of EuIn2As2
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Toliński
Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej PAN w Poznaniu
Magnetic topological insulators and semimetals provide a unique possibility to realize a diversity of topological states depending on the type of magnetic order and the preserved symmetry. Such a versatile system is the single-crystalline EuIn2As2, which exhibits complex magnetic structures below the AFM ordering temperature TN =16.1 K and can be a higher-order topological insulator (HOTI). Moreover, it is characterized by the topological invariant Z4 = 2, which makes it capable of hosting the axion insulator state. Therefore, prior discussing the example of EuIn2As2, a broad overview of the theoretical foundations of the topological matter will be presented. Further, for EuIn2As2 its magnetic phase diagram will be discussed.