- Home
- Wywiad z prof. Drulisem w radiowej Trójce
- Wnętrza Instytutu w Google Street View
- Wieczór z nauką w Radiu Wrocław
- HR Excellence in Research
- Dwarfs in front of the Institute
- 50-lat INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko profesora
- Open position for a post-doc
- Sprawozdania z realizacji zadań badawczych w roku 2019
- Wykład w ramach Studium Doktoranckiego INTiBS PAN
- Projekt nanoTBtech
- Projekt: NanoTBTech
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe „Niskie Łąki 2019”
- Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences
- Stypendium Prezesa PAN dla mgr. Adama Olejniczaka
- Polsko-ukraińska nagroda za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe dla naukowców z INTiBS PAN
- Nagroda Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla prof. Dariusza Kaczorowskiego
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2020" - aktualizacja
- Dr Orest Pavlosiuk oraz mgr Aleksandra Pilch-Wróbel laureatami konkursu START FNP
- Praktyki wakacyjne 2020 - aktualizacja 08.06.2020 r.
- Konkurs na stypendium dla wykonawcy projektu badawczego
- Wytyczne przeprowadzania obrony doktorskiej w INTiBS PAN w trakcie epidemii Covid-19
- Rafał J. Wiglusz z tytułem profesora
- Rekrutacja specjalna do szkoły doktorskiej w projekcie badawczym
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school in a research project
- Rekrutacja specjalna do szkoły doktorskiej w projekcie badawczym
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school in a research project
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Rekrutacja specjalna do szkoły doktorskiej w projekcie badawczym
- Rekrutacja specjalna do szkoły doktorskiej w projekcie badawczymm
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school in a research project
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe
- Nagroda im. prof. Jana Czochralskiego dla dr. Pawła Tomaszewskiego
- Rekrutacja uzupełniająca do WSD IPAN
- The additional recruitment for the WDS IPAS
- Rekrutacja specjalna do WSDIPAN na doktoranta stypendystę w programie "Doktorat wdrożeniowy I" MNiSW - Temat 1
- Rekrutacja specjalna do WSDIPAN na doktoranta stypendystę w programie "Doktorat wdrożeniowy I" MNiSW - Temat 2
- Rekrutacja specjalna do WSDIPAN na doktoranta stypendystę w programie "Doktorat wdrożeniowy I" MNiSW - Temat 3
- Special recruitment to WDSIPAS for the PhD student position in the "Implementation doctorate I" program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Theme 1
- Special recruitment to WDSIPAS for the PhD student position in the "Implementation doctorate I" program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Theme 2
- Special recruitment to WDSIPAS for the PhD student position in the "Implementation doctorate I" program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Theme 3
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Badań Magnetyków
- Konkurs na stanowisko typu post-doc w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Materiał w "Dzień Dobry TVN" o implancie czaszkowym
- Cykl wykładów "Experimental Methods in Solid State Physics and Chemistry"
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Chemii Nanomateriałow i Katalizy
- Nagroda Naukowa im. Wojciecha Rubinowicza dla prof. dr. hab. Dariusza Kaczorowskiego
- Seminairum INTiBS PAN
- ILTSR PAS seminar
- Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kaczorowski członkiem Rady Głównej EMA
- Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kaczorowski a member of the EMA General Council
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe dla wykonawcy projektu badawczego
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Stypendium Prezesa PAN dla doktorantek INTiBS PAN
- Naukowcy z INTiBS PAN wśród laureatów konkursu na projekty badawcze NCN
- INTiBS PAN wśród beneficjentów konkursu NCBiR Szybka ścieżka
- INTiBS PAN wśród beneficjentów programu NAWA PHC Polonium
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Życzenia świąteczne
- Życzenia noworoczne
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Teorii Materii Skondensowanej
- Grupa prof. A. Bednarkiewicza we współpracy z naukowcami z USA i Korei Południowej opracowała nowe nanomateriały koloidalne zdolne do lawinowej emisji fotonów (Nature 589, 230-235 (2021))
- The group of prof. A. Bednarkiewicz, in cooperation with scientists from the USA and South Korea, has developed new colloidal nanomaterials capable of avalanche emission of photons (Nature 589, 230-235 (2021))
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta (stażysty podoktorskiego -post-doc) wykonawcy projektu badawczego w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SONATA 15
- Konkurs na stanowisko naukowe adiunkta w Oddziale Badań Strukturalnych
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Oddziale Chemii Nanomateriałów i Katalizy
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta (stażysty podoktorskiego -post-doc) wykonawcy projektu badawczego w OSO
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2021/2022 academic year
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 17
- 62. Konwersatorium Krystalograficzne
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko profesora w Oddziale Badań Magnetyków
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Rekrutacja do WSD IPAN na rok akademicki 2021/2022
- Recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2021/2022 academic year
- Rekrutacja do WSD IPAN na rok akademicki 2021/2022
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Information about the competition for a PhD student in the NCN PRELUDIUM BIS project combined with recruitment for the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences in the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish
- Dwóch naukowców z INTiBS PAN otrzymało stypendium MEiN dla wybitnych młodych naukowców
- Doktoranci INTiBS PAN wśród laureatów konkursu FNP START 2021
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe „Niskie Łąki 2021”
- Harmonogram rekrutacji do WSD IPAN na rok akademicki 2021/22
- Schedule of recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2021/22
- Results of recruitment to WDS IPAS for academic year 2021/22
- Supplementary recruitment for the 2021/2022 academic year
- Special recruitment to doctoral school for a PhD student (scholarship holder) in a research project
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Konkurs na dwa stypendia naukowe w projekcie badawczym NCN
- Rekrutacja specjalna do Szkoły Doktorskiej na doktoranta – stypendystę w programie „Doktorat wdrożeniowy I” MEiN
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate I”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- WARNING: Web server and e-mail access disruptions
- NOTE: Extension of deadline for submission of applications in doctoral school recruitments
- Special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate I”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- Supplementary recruitment for WDS IPAS
- Special recruitment for WDS IPAS
- Special recruitment to WSD IPAS to the project Implementation doctorate I - schedule of interviews
- Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki 2021
- Results of the special recruitment to WSD IPAS
- Competition for the position of assistant professor in the Department of Optical Spectroscopy
- Competition for the position of professor in the Department of Low Temperature and Superconductivity
- Organization of the academic year 2021/2022 at WDS IPAS
- Innovators "Wprost" award for prof. dr. hab. Rafał Wiglusz
- Składy komisji ds. oceny śródokresowej doktorantów WSD IPAN afiliowanych w INTiBS PAN
- Competition for the position of an assistant in the Department of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Stypendium Prezesa PAN dla doktorantki INTiBS PAN
- Prof. Dariusz Kaczorowski became a correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Competition for the position of an assistant professor (postdoctoral trainee - post-doc) of a research project contractor at the Department of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Piotr Wiśniewski with the title of professor
- The competition for the position of an assistant professor (postdoctoral trainee - post-doc) of the contractor for a research project at the Magnetics Research Department
- Competition for the position of assistant professor (postdoctoral trainee - post-doc) for the contractor of a research project in the Department of Magnetics Research
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for a PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Competition for the position of assistant professor (postdoctoral trainee - post-doc) for the contractor of a research project in the Department of Optical Spectroscopy
- Ми разом з вами!
- Visits of scientists from Ukraine to the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Schedule for special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School for doctoral students - grantees (contractors) in research projects
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie badawczym NCN OPUS 17
- Results of the special recruitment to the WDS IPAS
- Zmarł prof. dr hab. Wojciech Suski
- Competition for the position of an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2022"
- Two young scientists from ILTSR PAS among the winners of START 2022 competition
- Four scientists from the INTiBS PAS among the winners of the OPUS and SONATA competitions financed by the National Science Center
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- List of proposed promoters along with the subject of doctoral dissertations
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project
- Schedule of recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Results of recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Phosphors for UVC LEDs: Self-Disinfecting Surfaces"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - PRELUDIUM BIS 2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 15.08.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - PRELUDIUM BIS 2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 15.08.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 17 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2021 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 31.08.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS (NCN), chemical sciences, physical sciences, material sciences, application deadline 15.09.2022 (2)
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 15.09.2022
- Supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2022/2023 academic year
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 9.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 9.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 9.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 9.09.2022
- List of proposed promoters along with the subject of doctoral dissertations
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, biological sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, biological sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, biological sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, biological sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment in the program “Implementation doctorate”, medical sciences, application deadline 14.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 16.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 16.09.2022
- XXV Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki w INTiBS PAN
- Naukowa Sesja Doktorantów WSD IPAN
- Scientific Session of PhD Students at WDS IPAS
- Scientific Session of PhD Students at WDS IPAS
- Konkurs na stanowisko dyrektora Instytutu Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych im. Włodzimierza Trzebiatowskiego PAN we Wrocławiu na 4-letnią kadencję rozpoczynającą się 1 stycznia 2023 r.
- Marek Drozd z tytułem profesora
- Schedule of supplementary recruitment and special recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Results of supplementary recruitment and special recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Organization of the academic year 2022/2023 at WDS IPAS
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe dla magistranta - wykonawcy w projekcie badawczym NCN SHENG 2
- Konkurs na dwa stypendia naukowe w projekcie NCN SONATA 17
- Lectures by prof. Maurizio Ferrari
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 17 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SONATA BIS 8 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SONATA 17
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- W dn. 15-16.11.2022 r. punkt dystrybucji azotu będzie nieczynny
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Schedule of special recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Results of special recruitment to WDS IPAS for the academic year 2022/23
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na dwa stanowiska adiunkta (stażysty podoktorskiego - post-doc) wykonawcy projektu badawczego w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SHENG 2
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 15.01.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 18.01.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 18.01.2023
- ALLEA supports Ukrainian researchers at ILT&SR PAS
- Five researchers from ILTSR PAS among the winners of the OPUS and PRELUDIUM competitions funded by NCN
- Notification on the election of the Director of ILTSR PAS
- ILTSR PAS scientists among the 2% most cited researchers
- Competition for the post of assistant professor (post-doctoral trainee) contractor for a research project in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Competition for the position of assistant professor (post-doctoral trainee) contractor for a research project in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Seminar of ILTSR PAS
- Łukasz Marciniak with the title of professor
- Prof. dr hab. Rafał Wiglusz nominated in the Personality of the Year plebiscite in the Science category
- Dariusz Hreniak with the title of professor
- Prof. Artur Bednarkiewicz is the winner of the Weave-UNISONO competition
- Competition for post-doc position in the Division of Magnetic Research
- Assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Optical Spectroscopy
- Horizon Europe Programmes
- Seminar of ILTSR PAS
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 24.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS21 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 22
- Lectures by Prof. Michael Giersig
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 31.05.2023
- Dr. Orest Pavlosiuk laureate of NAWA Bekker program
- Dr. Orest Pavlosiuk laureate of NAWA Bekker program
- Training "Funding opportunities in Poland"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 30.03.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 30.03.2023
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on January 24, 2023
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on January 26, 2023
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH"
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Anomalous electron transport in magnetic insulators and topological semimetals"
- ILTSR PAS with category A+ in chemical sciences and category A in physical sciences
- Competition for the position of assistant in the Department of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH"
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Anomalous electron transport in magnetic insulators and topological semimetals"
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie OPUS 23 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM BIS (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 17.04.2023
- Zmarł dr hab. Zbigniew Bukowski
- Seminar of ILTSR PAS
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie SONATA BIS 8 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 30.04.2023
- Wyniki rekrutacji specjalnej do Wrocławskiej Szkoły Doktorskiej Instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk w dyscyplinie nauki chemiczne do projektu „Nowe anty-Stokesowskie znaczniki luminescencyjne i wielokolorowy FRET do sekwencjonowania pojedynczych nici DNA”
- Wyniki rekrutacji specjalnej do Wrocławskiej Szkoły Doktorskiej Instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk w dyscyplinie nauki fizyczne do projektu „Nowe anty-Stokesowskie znaczniki luminescencyjne i wielokolorowy FRET do sekwencjonowania pojedynczych nici DNA”
- Recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2023/2024 academic year
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN Weave-UNISONO w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2023"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 17.05.2023
- Schedule of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148))
- Results of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148)
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 23
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 23
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SONATA 17
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN Weave-UNISONO
- Results of special recruitment announced on March 29, 2023 to the project “Elements of the HLA class I antigen processing machinery as factors involved in the pathomechanism and progression of endometriosis”
- Wojciech Piotrowski, M.Sc., winner of the FNP START 2023 programme
- Wojciech Piotrowski, M.Sc., winner of the FNP START 2023 programme
- Prof. Lukasz Marciniak's 3rd place at 1st China- CEET Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
- Prof. Lukasz Marciniak's 3rd place at 1st China- CEET Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH"
- List of proposed dissertation topics for 2023/2024 recruitment
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SHENG 2
- Results of special recruitment announced on April 18th, 2023 to the project „Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH”
- Results of special recruitment to the project „Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction”
- Assistant Professor (in Polish: Adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Nanomaterials Chemistry and Catalysis
- Assistant Professor (in Polish: Adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Theory of Condensed Matter
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2023" - przedłużenie terminu zgłoszeń
- Temperature invariant ratiometric luminescence manometer based on Cr3+ ions emission
- Zawiadomienie o śmierci prof. dra hab. Bogdana Nowaka
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Zawiadomienie o śmierci prof. dra hab. Lucjana Sobczyka
- Strong Scattering from Low-Frequency Rattling Modes Results in Low Thermal Conductivity in Antimonide Clathrate Compounds
- Metal–Organic Framework Optical Thermometer Based on Cr3+ Ion Luminescence
- Positive luminescence thermal coefficient of Mn2+ ions for highly sensitive luminescence thermometry
- Highly Pressure-Sensitive, Temperature Independent Luminescence Ratiometric Manometer Based on MgO:Cr3+ Nanoparticles
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie naukowym NCN SHENG 2 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Dr Dagmara Stefańska laureatką konkursu na stypendia Ministra Edukacji i Nauki dla młodych naukowców
- Prof. Galyna Dovbeshko winner of the grant competition of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
- Recruitment schedule for WDS IPAS for the academic year 2023/2024
- Recruitment results for academic year 2023/2024
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 4.09.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS-2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 4.09.2023
- Dr Daniel Gajda laureatem konkursu MINIATURA 7
- ultimodal, super-sensitive luminescent manometer based on giant pressure-induced spectral shift of Cr3+ in the NIR range
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 28.08.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- Supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2023/2024 academic year
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at ILTSR PAS in the Division of Low Temperatures and Superconductivity
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie naukowym NCN OPUS w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie naukowym NCN SONATA BIS 8 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- The advertisement on the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate 2023”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- George Blasse Young Investigator Award 2023 for Prof. Łukasz Marciniak
- Ceremony of conferring the title of the Honorary Professorship of the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS on Professor Marco Bettinelli
- Schedule of supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the academic year 2023/2024
- Schedule of supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the academic year 2023/2024
- Schedule of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148)
- Schedule of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Diffuson-mediated heat transfer: experimental verification of the unified theory of thermal transport" (NCN grant OPUS 23, No. 2022/45/B/ST3/02326)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Diffuson-mediated heat transfer: experimental verification of the unified theory of thermal transport" (NCN grant OPUS 23, No. 2022/45/B/ST3/02326)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction” (NCN grant Preludium 3 No. UMO-2021/43/O/ST3/03000)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction” (NCN grant Preludium 3 No. UMO-2021/43/O/ST3/03000)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Constraints on the order parameter in candidate chiral superconductors from local magnetization measurements” (NCN grant OPUS 23, No. 2022/45/B/ST3/04117)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Constraints on the order parameter in candidate chiral superconductors from local magnetization measurements” (NCN grant OPUS 23, No. 2022/45/B/ST3/04117)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Novel anti-Stokes lanthanide-doped nanoparticles and multicolor FRET mechanisms for single-molecule DNA sequencing” (NCN grant No. UMO-2022/04/Y/ST5/00081)
- Special recruitment to the project: “Novel anti-Stokes lanthanide-doped nanoparticles and multicolor FRET mechanisms for single-molecule DNA sequencing” (NCN grant No. UMO-2022/04/Y/ST5/00081)
- Deuteration-enhanced Negative Thermal Expansion and Negative Area Compressibility in a 3-Dimensional Hydrogen Bonded Network
- 7th edition of the Conference of PhD Students of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KonDokPAN2023)
- Wybory do komitetów naukowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate 2023”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Constraints on the order parameter in candidate chiral superconductors from local magnetization measurements”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project „Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Diffuson-mediated heat transfer: experimental verification of the unified theory of thermal transport”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice"
- Results of the supplementary recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2023/2024 (chemical and physical sciences)
- Wyniki rekrutacji specjalnej do Wrocławskiej Szkoły Doktorskiej Instytutów PAN do projektu „Doktorat wdrożeniowy 2023” - temat: „Opracowanie formulacji past opartych na nanocząstkach metali (np. srebra i złota) dla zastosowania w nowoczesnych wyświetlacza
- All-Optical Data Processing with Photon Avalanching Nanocrystalline Photonic Synapse
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at ILTSR PAS in the Division of Optical Spectroscopy
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie naukowym NCN OPUS w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2023/2024
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 10.11.2023
- Dr Karolina Elżbieciak-Piecka laureate of the Weave-UNISONO competition
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 17 w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Doktoranci INTiBS PAN wśród laureatów Studenckiego Programu Stypendialnego
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Assistant Professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the Division of Magnetic Research
- Two researchers from ILTSR PAS among the winners of the MINIATURA competition organised by NSC
- Competition for the assistant in the Depratment of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Nagroda Naukowa im. Włodzimierza Kołosa dla dr. hab. Macieja Ptaka
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Luminescence thermometry based on a first-order structural phase transition."
- Phase Transitions, Dielectric Response, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Aziridinium Lead Halide Perovskites
- Three researchers from ILTSR PAS among the winners of the OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM 22 competitions organised by NSC
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 21 (NCN), medical sciences, application deadline 30.12.2023
- Horizon Europe project at INTiBS - Dissemination of the redefined kelvin - DireK-T
- Profesor Mirosław Mączka z Nagrodą Prezesa Rady Ministrów RP
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Low Temperatures and Superconductivity
- Adam Pikul with the title of Professor
- Harmonogram rekrutacji specjalnej Wrocławskiej Szkoły Doktorskiej Instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu na doktoranta – stypendystę w projekcie badawczym OPUS 21 (NCN)
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on November 30, 2023 to the project “Relevance of epigenetic regulation of the FKBP5 gene in moderating the association between psychosocial stress and psychotic-
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 08.03.2024
- New Route to Synthesize High-Entropy CarbidePowders by Mechanical Alloying
- Highly sensitive, multiparametric thermal history phosphor based on an Eu(BTC) architecture
- Highly-sensitive, tri-modal luminescent manometer utilizing band-shift, ratiometric and lifetime-based sensing parameters
- Horizontal flux growth as an efficient preparation method of CeRh2As2 single crystals
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Nanomaterials Chemistry and Catalysis
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN w Oddziale Fizykochemii Biomedycznej
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Discovery of magnetic phase transitions in heavy-fermion superconductor CeRh2As2
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Customizing thermometry: Optimizing the operating temperature range of phase transition-based ratiometric luminescence thermometers
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN Sonata 17 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe dla magistranta - wykonawcy projektu badawczego NCN OPUS
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Assistant professor (in polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Magnetic Research
- The Butterfly Effect: Multifaceted Consequences of Sensitizer Concentration Change in Phase Transition-based Luminescent Thermometer of LiYO2:Er3+,Yb3+
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie badawczym NCN OPUS
- Five researchers from ILTSR PAS among the winners of the OPUS 26 and SONATA 19 competitions organised by NSC
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2024"
- Pracownicy INTiBS PAN z nagrodami na XVII Międzynarodowych Targach Wynalazków i Innowacji INTARG 2024
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta (stażysty podoktorskiego, post-doc) wykonawcy projektu badawczego w Oddziale Badań Strukturalnych
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN OPUS 22
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe "Niskie Łąki 2024" - przedłużenie rekrutacji
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project SONATA 19 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 23.08.2024
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project SONATA 19 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 23.08.2024
- Announcement of Special Recruitment to the Doctoral School of the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław for a doctoral student - scholars
- Recruitment schedule for WDS IPAS for the academic year 2024/2025
- Ultrafast photoluminescence and multiscale light amplification in nanoplasmonic cavity glass
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project SONATA BIS 13 (NCN) to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Ther
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2023 (NCN) to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILTSR PAS in the Division of Optical Spectroscopy
- Recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2024/2025 academic year - results
- Supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Special Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences in the Division of Optical Spectroscopy of the ILT&SR PAS for PhD Student – Scholarship holder in the Research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Special Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry of the ILT&SR PAS for PhD Student – Scholarship holder in the Research project SONATA-19 (NCN)
- Competition for assistant professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position in the Division of Low Temperature and Superconductivity
- XXVII Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki w INTiBS PAN
- XXVII Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki w INTiBS PAN
- Schedule of special recruitments to the doctoral school within the projects for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Schedule of supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the academic year 2023/2024 and special recruitments within the projects (chemical sciences)
- Seminarium INTiBS PAN
- Konkurs na stypendium naukowe w projekcie NCN SONATA BIS 13 w Oddziale Spektroskopii Optycznej
- Multinoncentrosymmetric Two-Dimensional Trilayered Lead Bromide Perovskites with Methylhydrazinium Cations: Lattice Dynamics, Phase Transitions, Dielectric Response, and Optical Properties
- The mechanisms behind the extreme susceptibility of photon avalanche emission to quenching
- Results of supplementary recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2024/2025
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2024/2025; grant OPUS 26
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2024/2025; grant SONATA 19
- Temperature and volumetric effects on structural and dielectric properties of hybrid perovskites
- Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki - ważna informacja
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on June 18, 2024 to the project
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on June 27, 2024 to the project
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on July 5, 2024 to the project
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the doctoral school within the scientific project for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Multinoncentrosymmetric Two-Dimensional Trilayered Lead Bromide Perovskites with Methylhydrazinium Cations: Lattice Dynamics, Phase Transitions, Dielectric Response, and Optical Properties
- Weronika Bodylska in the final of the EU TalentOn competition
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on July 5, 2024
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on July 5, 2024
- Competition for Assistant Professor (in Polish: adiunkt) position at the ILT&SR PAS in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry
- The Institute
- The Institute
- Emploees
- News
- Scientific News
- Gender equality plan
- Address and contact data
- Research
- Research profile
- List of publications
- Information in BIP
- Events
- Seminars
- List of seminars
- Conferences
- Current conferences
- Past conferences
- For students
- Doctoral school
- Curriculum
- Recruitment
- 2024/2025 academic year
- 2023/2024 academic year
- Special recruitment
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - OPUS 22 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 30/06/2022.
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - PRELUDIUM BIS 2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 30/06/2022.
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - OPUS 17 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 02/07/2022.
- Special recruitment to the Wroclaw Doctoral School for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project - SONATA BIS 8 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 03/07/2022.
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Phosphors for UVC LEDs: Self-Disinfecting Surfaces"
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Phosphors for UVC LEDs: Self-Disinfecting Surfaces"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 17 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Results of the special recruitment to WDS IPAS announced on May 31, 2022.
- Results of the special recruitment to WDS IPAS announced on June 1, 2022.
- Results of the special recruitment to WDS IPAS announced on June 3, 2022.
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 5.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2021 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 31.08.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS (NCN), chemical sciences, physical sciences, material sciences, application deadline 15.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 15.09.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 17 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SONATA BIS 8 (NCN), biological sciences, application deadline 20.11.2022
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 15.01.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 24.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS21 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 25.02.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 31.05.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 30.03.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 30.03.2023
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on January 24, 2023
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on January 26, 2023
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH"
- Schedule of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Anomalous electron transport in magnetic insulators and topological semimetals"
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH"
- Results of special recruitment for WSD IPAN for 2022/2023 - project "Anomalous electron transport in magnetic insulators and topological semimetals"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM BIS (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 17.04.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 22 (NCN), biological or medical sciences, application deadline 30.04.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project SHENG2 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 17.05.2023
- Schedule of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148))
- Results of special recruitment to the project: “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice" (National Science Center grant no. 2020/39/O/ST3/01148) (2)
- Results of special recruitment announced on March 29, 2023 to the project “Elements of the HLA class I antigen processing machinery as factors involved in the pathomechanism and progression of endometriosis”
- Results of special recruitment announced on April 18th, 2023 to the project „Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional half-Heusler compounds with tunable topological quantum effects – TOPOHH”
- Results of special recruitment to the project „Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction”
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project Weave-UNISONO (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 28.08.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project PRELUDIUM-BIS 3 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 04.09.2023
- The advertisement on the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate 2023”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the program “Implementation doctorate 2023”, financed by Ministry of Education and Science in Poland
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Constraints on the order parameter in candidate chiral superconductors from local magnetization measurements”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project „Detection of relativistic fermions in topological semimetals with magnetostriction”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Diffuson-mediated heat transfer: experimental verification of the unified theory of thermal transport”
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Influence of gauge potentials and topology on phase transitions of bosons in optical lattice"
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), chemical sciences, application deadline 10.11.2023
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences for the Ph.D. student position in the research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS to the project “Luminescence thermometry based on a first-order structural phase transition."
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 21 (NCN), medical sciences, application deadline 30.12.2023
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on November 30, 2023 to the project “Relevance of epigenetic regulation of the FKBP5 gene in moderating the association between psychosocial stress and psychotic-
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project OPUS 23 (NCN), physical sciences, application deadline 08.03.2024
- Announcement of Special Recruitment to the Doctoral School of the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław for a doctoral student - scholars
- Special recruitment to the doctoral school for PhD student – scholarship holder in the research project SONATA BIS 13 (NCN) to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Ther
- Special recruitment for PhD student - scholarship holder in a research project M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2023 (NCN) to the Wroclaw Doctoral School of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish
- Special Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences in the Division of Optical Spectroscopy of the ILT&SR PAS for PhD Student – Scholarship holder in the Research project OPUS 23 (NCN)
- Special Recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences in the Division of Biomedical Physicochemistry of the ILT&SR PAS for PhD Student – Scholarship holder in the Research project SONATA-19 (NCN)
- Schedule of special recruitments to the doctoral school within the projects for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Schedule of supplementary recruitment to the WDS IPAS for the academic year 2023/2024 and special recruitments within the projects (chemical sciences)
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2024/2025; grant OPUS 26
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS - 2024/2025; grant SONATA 19
- Results of special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on June 18, 2024 to the project
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on June 27, 2024 to the project
- Results of the special recruitment to the Wrocław Doctoral School of Institutes of PAS announced on July 5, 2024 to the project
- Schedule of the special recruitment to the doctoral school within the scientific project for the 2024/2025 academic year
- School Council
- Doctoral Student Council
- Teaching
- Doctoral students
- Mid-term evaluation
- For students
- Doctoral dissertations
- Master theses
- Student training
- Visiting the Institute
- For employees
- For employees
- Contact
- Driving directions
- Important phone numbers and emails