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Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS Seminar

12:00, 24-12-05
ul. Okólna 2, Audytorium

The nitride epoch (10 years after the Nobel Prize)    Material limitations and attempts to overcome them

prof. dr hab. Detlef Hommel

PORT Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii Sieć Badawcza "Łukasiewicz"

In 2014 Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura got the Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of blue light emitting diodes. A brief historical review will be given concerning the circumstances for the nitride breakthrough, the contribution of each, the competion with ZnSe light emitters and some remarks based on the personal relation to the prize winners. Despite a huge progress in solid state lighting, the  introduction of GaN-based high power and high temperature electronics, there remain some fundamental material limitations f.e. concerning deep-UV emitters mainly due to doping problems of high Al-containing AlGaN-devices. One possible alternative to overcome these problems is to introduce other group-V elements (As, P, Sb, …) into the nitride lattice. On the example of (Al)GaN diluted with arsenic latest results obtained at PORT will be presented.

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