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Full-time PhD Programme

Full-time PhD Programme in the Institute prepares participants to obtain doctor al degree in physics or chemistry. The programme takes four years (8 semesters).

The programme can be entered by applicants, who graduated with Master degree (or another equivalent, recognized in Poland) in physics, chemistry, electronics or material science, with average grade over 4 (in 2-5 scale; 2-the worst; 5-the best), or students who will be graduated in the current academic years. The applicants, who are in the course of getting the degree can be provisionally accepted provided that they will get the degree until September, the 30th. Applicants’ acceptation is based on an interview.


The Programme participants are obliged to:

  1. take part in the Institute research, 
  2. take part in lectures and seminars organized for all the participants of the Programme (6 one-semester lectures, 2 hours per week and 2 seminars per month) and pass all the necessary exams, 
  3. 3. take part in lectures chosen by their supervisors, 
  4. report the progress of their work, 
  5. present the progress of their work during seminars, at least once a year, 
  6. pass doctoral exams and present to doctoral dissertation, according to the official Rules of the Programme.

The participants of the Programme can obtain fellowships of 1600zł monthly, awarded each year. Doctoral students may apply for financial assistance from the funds allocated for this purpose in the state budget and transferred to the Institute in the form of Material Assistance Fund for doctoral students in the form of:

  1. maintenance grants (including co-finance of housing rent); 
  2. special scholarship for the disabled;
  3. scholarship for the best doctoral students;
  4. social grants (welfare). 

The participants can join the International Max Planck School (Dresden – Wrocław – Prag) and realize the Program partially in institutes in Dresden. Outstanding students can be awarded with W. Trzebiatowski fellowship (3000zł in 2010/2011 academic year). 


Rules of the Programme (in Polish)


  • Selected Topics in Solid State Physics
  • Selected Topics in Solid State Chemistry
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Statistical Physics and Phase Transitions
  • Methods in Solid State Physics
  • Physicochemical phenomena in low temperatures
  • Magnetism of the condensed phase
  • Imaging methods in physics and medicin

Programme head and deputy

The Head of the Programme is Prof. Małgorzata Samsel-Czekała (contact data).

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